Masontown, PA Pardons

Masontown, PA Pardons

Masontown, PA PICS Denials

What to do when a PICS check gets denied

A Pennsylvania Pardon can help restore your gun rights in Masontown, PA

We believe in the right to protect yourself and your loved ones, so we help hard-working successful individual restore their gun rights. Most people would not be able to live with themselves if their spouse or child were harmed and a conviction stopped them from adequately protecting their family. A pardon is often the only way to restore your gun rights if you are prohibited from possessing firearms based on a Pennsylvania conviction. Do not be fooled into thinking that you will restore your rights with Clean Slate Limited Access or Limited Access petitions, because criminal justice agencies will still be able to see your convictions and use them against you. Some people even erroneously call these “expungements” even though the records will not be destroyed and the petitioner will still be prohibited from possessing firearms. The famous saying is “there are no shortcuts” and when it comes to restoring your rights from a Pennsylvania conviction, that saying rings true.

A Pennsylvania Pardon can help restore your gun rights in Masontown, PA

Can I get a License to Carry Firearms (Concealed Carry License) in Pennsylvania

Even if you can legally own a gun, you still might not be able to get a License to Carry Firearms (concealed carry license) in Pennsylvania. For example, even very minor drug offenses can render you ineligible for a License to Carry Firearms in Pennsylvania. Under 18 Pa.C.S. § 6109, if you have been convicted of any offense under the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act you are ineligible for a License to Carry Firearms. That means that if you have been convicted of even a minor drug crime in Pennsylvania, such as possession of a small amount of marijuana or possession of drug paraphernalia, you can’t get a License to Carry Firearms even if your conviction is very old. This is true even if you pleaded guilty and only paid a small fine. If there is a chance you may have been convicted of misdemeanor drug crime in Pennsylvania, you should not apply for a License to Carry Firearms without a firearms eligibility investigation.

Can I get a License to Carry Firearms (Concealed Carry License) in Pennsylvania
There are Many Good Reasons to Apply for a Masontown Pardon in Pennsylvania

There are Many Good Reasons to Apply for a Masontown Pardon in Pennsylvania

The overwhelming majority of people contact us at The Gun Law Firm with the intention of restoring their firearms rights. But through the course of the process most people realize there are many other reasons they want a Pardon. Some of these include your reputation, your career, and your rights.

When someone calls our office who has a Masontown, PA conviction on their record, I don’t think of these people as “criminals.” These are hard-working, successful individuals who care about their family, but happen to have been convicted of a crime at some point in their life. These people are generally law-abiding, except for an isolated period in their life. With the internet, it is very easy to look up a person’s criminal history. Most people don’t want that information readily accessible to their co-workers and clients, because it doesn’t represent the person they are today. That’s why protecting your reputation is an excellent reason to apply for a pardon in Pennsylvania.

Convictions can also seriously limit your ability to advance your career. It may become difficult or even impossible to obtain certain licenses, certifications or clearances with a conviction on your record. Even individuals who own a business and have no “employer” can run into this problem. If you are self-employed, you can also lose business if your clients and customers see your convictions online. The people who call my office are typically motivated individuals who want to achieve their full potential. Advancing your career is not solely about personal satisfaction, it helps you better provide for your loved ones who depend on you. That is why many of my clients view a pardon as an investment rather than a cost. They want to get a better job or grow their business. If you are serious about achieving your goals and providing for your family, that is an excellent reason to apply for a pardon in Pennsylvania.

Many people don’t realize that a conviction can impact rights other than firearms. Your right to hold public office, your right to serve on a jury, and your right to vote could all be forfeited through a conviction. As Americans, we value these rights tremendously. Our ability to do our part in protecting our Constitutional Republic lessens dramatically if we are unable to participate in the political process or our judicial system. If you value your rights and value our country, restoring those rights is another great reason to apply for a pardon in Pennsylvania.

Should I try to buy a gun to see if I can legally own guns in Pennsylvania?

You should ABSOLUTELY NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES try to buy a gun to see if you can legally own or possess firearms. In Pennsylvania, you can be charged with a felony if you are prohibited. Many people have made this costly mistake over the years. Even if a police officer or a gun store employee tells you otherwise, they would certainly not be willing or able to pay your legal fees and serve your criminal penalties in your place if you are prosecuted.

Should I try to buy a gun to see if I can legally own guns in Pennsylvania?
PICS Denials in Masontown, PA

PICS Denials in Masontown, PA

If you have had a PICS denial in Masontown, PA, the chances are you’re confused and don’t know why you have been denied. If you were denied the purchase of a firearm from a dealer in Masontown, PA at a gun store or a gun show, a PICS denial or Undetermined Status is the reason. If you were denied a License to Carry Firearms (concealed carry license) it is usually because of a PICS denial or Undetermined Status, but can be due to “character and reputation” as decided by the issuing authority. Under federal law, when you buy a gun from a dealer, you must fill out a Form 4473 and submit to a background check. In Pennsylvania the background check is called a PICS Check (Pennsylvania Instant Check System). With a PICS Check, the Pennsylvania State Police serve as a point of contact for the NICS (National Instant Check System), which is run by the FBI. Under Pennsylvania law, most handgun transfers between private parties must go through a dealer which require the appropriate paperwork (Form 4473 and SP 4-113) and a PICS Check. The law also allows the transfer to take place at the Sheriff’s Office, who will still run a PICS check. There are very limited exceptions for handgun transfers between parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, and between spouses, provided both parties are Pennsylvania residents.

(484) 558-0076