PICS Denials in Lima, PA

How can I find out if I can legally own a gun in Pennsylvania?
When you buy a gun in Lima, PA, the dealer must run a background check called a PICS Check (Pennsylvania Instant Check System). You can only run a PICS Check in connection with a transfer or if you are applying for a License to Carry Firearms (concealed carry license). When you are filling out the paperwork to buy a gun or apply for a License to Carry Firearms (concealed carry license) you should NEVER GUESS for any of your answers. If you fail the background check (PICS denial) when you are trying to buy a gun in Pennsylvania, you could face criminal prosecution for a felony! Even if you thought you answered the questions correctly, many people are still prosecuted for their mistake. At The Gun Law Firm, we have performed firearms eligibility investigations for our clients since 2016 to avoid this problem. We thoroughly review our clients’ criminal records, mental health records, and much more to determine whether you can legally own a gun in Pennsylvania.

Why It’s Important to Have a Gun Lawyer in Lima, PA
There are many reasons why a person can’t legally own a gun in Pennsylvania. Most people don’t know all of these reasons, and even most lawyers don’t know all of these reasons. Many people are surprised when they find out some of the reasons you can’t legally own a gun. That is why it’s important to have a lawyer who specifically focuses on gun law help you determine if you can legally own guns. Gun laws are so complicated and so voluminous that many judges, police officers, prosecutors, and private attorneys get them wrong. When a mistake can lead to prosecution, it can cost you your freedom, your money, your reputation, and even your family. That’s why it’s important to have a gun lawyer who understands the ins and outs of Pennsylvania gun laws.
How to Contact a Gun Lawyer in Lima, PA after a PICS Denial or Undetermined Status
As soon as possible after a PICS Denial it is important to have a gun lawyer in Lima, PA start to work on your case. Because there are very strict deadlines involved, every day matters. At The Gun Law Firm, we know what it takes to fight PICS denials, because we have helped our clients overturn erroneous PICS denials since 2016. If you contact our office, we offer a free case strategy session by telephone. We will help you determine if a PICS Challenge is the right path for you. You can call our office to schedule a free case strategy session. Because we are very busy helping people and protecting gun rights, be sure to leave your contact information if you reach our answering service, and someone from our team will call you back shortly. If you prefer, you can fill out the “Contact Us” form on our website, and someone at our office will reach out to you as quickly as possible.

What happens after you submit a PICS Challenge in Lima, PA?
After Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) receives a PICS Challenge, they have five days to provide a response. This response is very important because it provides valuable information, including “Possible Reasons for Denial/Undetermined.” It is very important to keep this document because you only have 30 days to provide supplemental information. If your firearms attorney has already conducted an appropriate investigation, it will be much easier to provide PSP with the information necessary to issue a reversal letter. In the event that the reasons for denial/undetermined are completely unexpected (e.g. mistaken identity) the remaining time must be utilized to quickly gather the documentation necessary to overturn the denial.
What to do after a PICS Denial or Undetermined Status in Lima, PA
After a PICS Denial or Undetermined Status, it is very important to contact a firearms attorney as soon as possible. This is because there are very strict deadlines in place, and neither the dealer nor the Sheriff will be able to inform you of the reason for denial. DO NOT TRY TO CONTACT THE POLICE TO FIND OUT WHY, BECAUSE ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU IN CRIMINAL COURT. Make sure to keep good notes about the date and location of the denial and the name of the dealer or Sheriff’s Office. If you are denied a License to Carry Firearms (concealed carry license) due to a PICS Denial or Undetermined Status, the Sheriff must send written notice of the denial by certified mail. Make sure you do not lose that letter. You only have 30 days after a PICS denial or undetermined status to file a PICS Challenge. If you don’t file your PICS Challenge within 30 days, you cannot have it overturned. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not try to file a PICS Challenge unless you are absolutely certain that you are not prohibited from possessing firearms and are willing to face a felony and jail time if you are wrong. When you file the challenge, you will once again certify that the information you provide is subject to the penalty of a felony of the third degree and a misdemeanor of the third degree. Many people try to purchase a firearm and have no idea that something in their past makes them prohibited. An experienced firearms attorney will be able to ask you the right questions, gather the necessary documents and information and determine whether you are even eligible to own and possess firearms (or get a License to Carry Firearms) before submitting a PICS Challenge on your behalf. Because there is a 30-day deadline, it is very important to act fast, because 30 days is a very short amount of time to conduct the necessary investigation.

Can I apply for a Lima, PA Pardon in Pennsylvania by myself?
Certainly. But if you are serious about your pardon, you may want the assistance of an attorney who is experienced with the pardon process rather than trying to “learn as you go” as you do it for the first time. We pride ourselves on knowing what it takes to bring the absolute best out of our clients to help us portray the true person you have become to the Board of Pardons during this important opportunity for a second chance. We know the ins and outs of the pardon process helping us make a stressful experience as smooth as possible for our clients. Many of our clients are too busy with their own careers, businesses and families to spend a bunch of time trying to figure out a brand new process. There is so much on the line during the pardon process, such as your future, your family, your career, and your rights. It makes sense why our clients would rather trust a professional with a wealth of experience.